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How Do You Remove Concrete and Brick from the Construction Site?

Bricks and Concrete Waste Bins Brisbane

Construction Site Concrete and Brick Removal

Construction waste means you will end up with clean, heterogeneous building items that are there due to construction, renovation, or demolition. Not just these activities are hassle creating but if you are planning for waste management then in the absence of experience proves to be a hassle for you. You need expert waste removal near you, who with their experience and professional services gives the removal of concrete and brick from your construction site under budget without causing any hassle.

Why Consider Construction Waste Removal?

The construction wastes if left untreated then can results in danger to your environment. Many construction industries are under pressure about how they can pick the right process under budget, but the answer to all such questions is to consider an expert waste removal company, Brissy Bins near you. Recycling construction waste is a way to counter the risk of construction waste. Using the proper technology for recycling the materials work well.

What Can Be Sources for Waste Generation?

Different sources are the reason for construction waste generation. That includes:

  • Procurement source
  • Design Source
  • Operation source
  • Residual source
  • Material handling sources
  • Other sources

Strategies To Handle Different Waste and Using Recycling Strategies

Brick- Brick holds the most amount of the waste generated from the demolition. When you consider any construction, demolition, or renovation for the commercial or residential site, then you will end up with brick waste. But, many of them are usually contaminated with plaster and mortar. Bricks are also blended with other materials like concrete or timber. Usually, bricks can be recycled when it is crushed properly and can be substituted as filling materials. 


Concrete- Concrete waste is the result of the demolition of the existing structures and when checking the concrete samples. The concrete can be used for recycling when it is crushed properly and used as an aggregate. The crushed aggregate can be then used in place of natural aggregate in new concrete. It can also be used for constructing road bases and trenches. 

Why Bricks and Concrete Removal from Construction Sites Are Challenging?

Concrete and bricks are durable and that makes it challenging to break and remove them. For breaking and removing, the requirement is a lot of hard work or doing smart work which is to hire the experts who will use the key tools to get you through.

Tools To Break Up Concrete and Bricks When Considering DIYs

Concrete and bricks are found in all kinds of places like patios, basement foundations, or for demolition of the walls of the house. Sometimes you can also encounter the chunks that are buried down from the years-old demolition. Use these tools for breaking up concrete or bricks.


Rotary Hammer- Rotary hammer proves to be a successful removal tool in most cases for a chipping function. It comes in different sizes and the D-handle tool is highly capable to break up smaller concrete and globs off surfaces. Consider rotary hammers for taking down CMU (concrete masonry units) walls or blocks. 


Digging Bar- A digging bar is helpful to check concrete or bricks in the ground when you want to install a fence or mailbox. They are human-powered jackhammer that prepares fault line on the surface and removes the same.


Sledgehammer- Sledgehammers are usually not used indoors, but it is a helpful tool to break the basement slabs in the old house for impactful results. Basement slabs are generally thin and have small layers of concrete over the substrate like coal cinders. On the other hand, when you are considering a rotary hammer or jackhammer then it creates a pierce in the surface and then it can wedge in the dirt. For thin concrete, use a blunt force that will work effectively. It requires to put more power but delivers exceptional results. 


Using Chemicals- With the help of a chemical agent for expanding grout you can break up the concrete or bricks. You are required to use the jackhammer according to the condition of the site. Then can get done the mixing of chemicals, pouring on-site, and waiting for results. Then grout will expand and break down.


These are the effective solutions that prove helpful for concrete or brick removal from your residential or commercial site. You can consider it when DIY. Or, hire the experts like Brissy Bins who are renowned waste removal specialists in Brisbane and surrounding areas, and ensure you will have a safe and clean site.

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